Learn. By doing this you will be helping to put an end to ignorance from outsiders and within Israel. See, Isaiah 26:9-10, Titus 2:6-8, and 1st Peter 2:12,15. The desire to learn should of course be sincere and not motivated by vain glory (seeking fame or admiration), filthy lucre (money), or preeminence (power).
Contact. Suggestions, questions, and uplifting greetings are welcomed. Although you could subscribe to be notified of new content; the preferred method of learning is through fellowship, which means meeting and coming together. Faith comes by hearing. See, Romans 10:14-17, 1st Corinthians 14:23-25, and 1st John 1:1-4. We give priority to those that are in contact (fellowship) with us. It helps us to know where to put our efforts. Since we have to make haste to be prepared for the second coming of Christ. This means building a strong foundation, answering questions, and guidance. See, Malachi 3:16 and 1st Maccabees 12:7-12.
Note: Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 33:17 “Consider that I laboured not for myself only, but for all them that seek learning.” There are some that want to be difficult in not keeping the content FREE and have divisive practices. For them we recommend to read our Terms of Use. In short the work is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. This is not a commercial product and it is not meant for any financial gain. Please do not alter the content, as in editing the information, contact information, or branding (such as website address). Please notify us if you come across anyone in breach of our painless terms.
Community. As mentioned earlier fellowship and unity is very important in this truth. Acts 2:44 “And all that believed were together, and had all things common;” This step is more than meeting regularly, it is when you desire to participate towards common interests. In our case there are many things that we labor to achieve offline and online over the internet. Ecclesiastes 4:9 “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.” Verse 10: “For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” Without this mindset it's hard to provide support to each other and accomplish goals. A community could be as small as two; directing their talents towards a purpose for their own benefit and others.
Acts 4:32 “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.” A scriptural example of this is the collection of tithes which is not money but food. Please read, Deuteronomy 14:22-23. This ensures that no one in the community goes hungry; such as the widow and the fatherless or those that fall into hardship. There are various considerable reasons to keep this law, to the point it creates an aim for some surpassing donating food. In this case they build a community that grows food together for the benefit of all.
Another quick example of the idea of community (over the internet) is found within the software that we use. Many programmers volunteer their time to communities with the intent of providing free and open software. You do not have to be a programmer to help with our online resources. We could use your Judah skills. See, Ephesians 4:7-8, 15-16. Those that want to continue alone are not mindful of the prophecies. Please read Zephaniah 2:1, Matthew 25:14-30, Romans 12:4-16, Isaiah 58:12, and Revelations 7:4.
Financial. The Lord’s business is not about making money, however the use of money is required to spread the gospel (good news). Isaiah 55:1 “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” Clearly there are plenty of ways you could help the truth without money. This scripture is telling you to buy by paying attention and consuming the knowledge you are being fed with. See, Jeremiah 3:15.
A common concern among our people when it comes to finances is being exploited. Unfortunately their worries are legitimate, since religious preachers and wolves disguised as Israel prey upon the people. Albeit our souls which is of greater value than money is overlooked. Souls are destroyed for dishonest gain; we could prevent this tremendous loss. By directing our attention to what is truly important we would gain the ability to distinguish sheep from wolves. Please read, Matthew 7:15-20 and Ezekiel 22:25-31.
Revealing signs that a preacher has greed for filthy lucre (money) is easily found within their doctrines. For instance, many will teach and compel to give according to the law of tithe a tenth. Only for such occasion is the law of God mentioned in high regard. Any other time the people are taught to disobey the laws of God. Essentially making them lawless, encouraging them to be sinners with the assertion that they will receive grace. They omit the laws, how then can you expect to be taught what tithes is truly about? Therefore they conveniently omit that tithe is NOT a tenth of your money.
If our people kept the laws of God they would naturally know what deceptive actions are being done against them and the purpose of freewill offerings. At no point did the Heavenly Father command us to become customers and be merchandised. Please read 2 Peters 2:1-3. In fact the Heavenly Father forbids the selling of the truth. See, Proverbs 23:23. In so much that Christ cast out of the temple those that bought and sold, for creating a marketplace with the pretense that it supports or it is for the truth. Read, Matthew 21:12-13 and John 2:14-17.
John 2:16 “And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.” Any merchandise (t-shirts, calendars, books, garments, DVDs, uniforms, etc..) purchased to support the ministry of an organization is in reality helping a den of thieves. This type of organization breeds members that imitate their leaders, seeking financial wealth through a marketplace and advertisements. In some cases members are mistreated and forced to work for their businesses. They measure success by how many people they have reached; their goal is not the advancement of the word of God but to gain more customers.
There is no need to unmasked the following illicit act. After all, our people accept it even though we are forewarned in the scriptures that this is a sinful act. Micah 3:11 “The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.” It was a sad day when we became aware that an Israelite organization used our FREE content to conduct a seminar that charged an entrance fee on the Sabbath.
Teaching for hire comes in many forms. From the televangelist that would charge a fee for a blessing such as a prayer. To the Israelitish author that must be paid to answer a question. The internet has made it easy for some to demand payment to be part of a network or for online courses. Like our neighborhoods that are riddled with Churches that do not correct their patrons of their sins so are these Israelites that fear the loss of earnings.
Micah 3:9 “Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel, that abhor judgment, and pervert all equity.” Verse 10: “They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.” Our neighborhoods are filled with blood and sin, this is a direct result of Churchianity that focus on profiting from the people thus justifying their perversions. As difficult it is to find the truth and for our stiff necked people to believe in it. These men build up congregations that are as wicked as the Churches, in fact their “righteousness” does not exceed those of the Pharisees who rejected Christ.
Matthew 10:8 “...freely ye have received, freely give.” When Christ sent out his disciples to preach the gospel he gave them this commandment. By his example they understood how they must treat those that wanted to learn, they must freely give the truth. They did not witness at any point the request for payment when Christ did miracles or taught. Since they themselves had received all those things freely.
Later on after the death and resurrection of Christ the disciples continued with this commandment. To the point that a wicked man wanted to purchase the Holy Spirit and in turn he was cursed. Acts 8:20 “But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.” Verse 21: “Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.” It is apparent to freely give is a commandment not only for the teachers but it was to be applied also by those who are taught. Romans 12:8 “Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity;...”
Giving shouldn’t be complicated at all. If you believe and keep the commandments of God then there will be a readiness and willing mind. Exodus 25:1 “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,” Verse 2: “Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering.” Verse 3: “And this is the offering which ye shall take of them; gold, and silver, and brass,”
The nation of Israel is governed by the laws of God, there is no need for deceptive or covetous ways. Our righteous forefathers obeyed the commandment, willingly giving to the Heavenly Father. They were also conscious of the reason they gave, being fully aware of what was predetermined with the funds they donated. Exodus 30:16 “And thou shalt take the atonement money of the children of Israel, and shalt appoint it for the service of the tabernacle of the congregation; that it may be a memorial unto the children of Israel before the LORD, to make an atonement for your souls.”
The collection of money is in accordance to the laws and it went to the service or the work of the most High. 1st Corinthians 16:1 “Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.” It is a memorial unto us that we should not forget. The money collected is not for any personal financial gain. Instead the aim of our donations is to assist the continuation of the ministry which is for our own benefit. Galatians 6:6 “Let him that is taught in the word communicate [give and be partaker] unto him that teacheth in all good things.” Herein you should understand that any freewill offerings accepted will go directly into the service and not to an individual.
The following expenses require money for us to conduct our services (in person or online):
Toll Free Number and Telephone Service: Our toll free number is 1(888) 447-1695. We often receive calls for scriptural questions, counsel, requests, and technical support.
Website Related: Internet service to maintain the website, answer emails, online classes, etc. Web Hosting service is for storing our files and making them accessible over the internet. Meaning the website and its various components like audio files for podcasts, videos, flyers, etc. Domain name registration is a fee paid to keep the website addresses registered to us. Software, is purchased for web design and development.
Office Equipment: Most of our work is done on computers, this is the most essential tool in the office. But when your computer is not working or needs to be upgraded its a bummer if you don’t have the funds. A printer is an indispensable tool as well but it comes with a cost. Paper must be purchased; 2 different sizes letter and legal. Toner is another thing that must be purchased since we print everything on a laser jet printer that requires only black toner. What we print often is the flyers and newsletters. One day it would be cool to print them in color. Then of course you have the basics like pens, markers, business cards, blank CD or DVD, and other electronic things.
Mailings: We send everything through US Postal service. Besides printed material we also send DVDs with video, CDs of audio content, etc. That requires of course to pay postage also for shipping labels, and envelopes. Everything is freely given in person or by mail (postal or email). There are many of our people in prison and this is an absolutely necessary way for us to communicate with them.
Postal Office Box: Keeping lines of communication is important to us. There are some that do not have access to the internet this old school method is reliable.
Recording Equipment: To create audio and video we have been getting by. But we seriously would like to provide better quality.
Rent: This one should be self explanatory, but just in case. A location to store all our things, do our work, and have in person interactions. It should also be obvious that other bills are attached to a location like electric.
Travel: The children of Israel are scattered, some are ignorant to the good news while others that are waking up. Often there is no fellowship in their locations. To fulfill prophecy we are to go to them, preach the good news and gather them. This part of the work could be very expensive. Especially when flying and having to pay for lodging accommodations.
Many other expenses exists but we do not want to be petty and go through a long list. We simply wanted to show you that there is a cost to the services provided. If you want to help us because you believe as we do that the service is of some benefit to all Israel. Or if you have faith in the Heavenly Father and desire to keep his commandment. Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 14:11 “My son, according to thy ability do good to thyself, and give the Lord his due offering.” Then freely give according to your ability with a willing heart as we do also financially to maintain the service of God and keep the truth free. Shalam (Peace)!
If you want to help by giving a donation please return after the Sabbath.